Leave The Data Where It Is: An Alternative Data Integration Approach

Integration, Visualization & Beyond
2 min readMar 24, 2021


Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Every business has its own unique data infrastructure. Over time your company may build up a variety of columns or databases, flat files, No SQL, and so on. All that data is related, and naturally, you want to access and analyze it all through a single interface.

What is Data Integration?

Data Integration is the process of merging data coming from different sources into a single dataset to provide users a cohesive view of it. This process involves a person or system locating, retrieving, cleaning, and presenting the data.

Many software companies provide data integration systems. These software companies use the brute force approach of centralizing your data into a single repository, but copying and normalizing large volumes of data is expensive, painstaking, and full of complications. This fundamentally unsustainable approach is why other tools break down as your data grows bigger and more complex.

Leave the data where it is

Watch the video HERE.

3forge believes that the tools should fit the data, not the other way around.

With the 3forge proprietary data virtualization engine, you can skip the exhaustive preparation of data integration.

Simply add and blend data sources on-the-fly through a platform. This way, you can query an unlimited number of sources to investigate audit trails that traverse multiple systems, reconcile data across various sources to identifying and analyze outliers, perform deep analytics with a variety of data visualization methods, and much more.

Have access to all your data with our “leave the data where it is” methodology — an alternative to laborious traditional data integration and costly data lakes.

Why 3forge?

Based on the alternative data integration methodology, “leave the data where it is,” 3forge offers a framework called AMI. The AMI platform is a comprehensive suite of components designed to provide a consolidated view across all the various applications and IT resources within large information technology environments.

It has interfaces and adapters for interacting with the most expansive technology environments. AMI treats your existing data infrastructure as a distributed system.

So whether you’re an enterprise leveraging data for critical business decisions or a small company looking to scale for the future, you can trust AMI to achieve effective and reliable data insights.

Leave the data where it is and let AMI do the rest.


If you would like to contact 3forge for more details on our data integration approach, you can reach the team at info@3forge.com.

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